Personal information
2019 – 2021: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (grant No. 19-07635S): Control of nonlinear large-scale and multi-agent systems (principal investigator of the project).
2019 – 2021: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (grant No. 19-05872S): Synchronization and decentralized control of complex networks (member of team).
2013 – 2017: Standard project of the Czech Science Foundation (grant No. 13-02149S ): Control of complex systems (member of team).
December 2010 – November 2011: research stay at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
September 2007 – June 2008: research stay at the Kuberneetika instituut in Tallinn, Estonia.
2.6.2005: Dissertation thesis at the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering defended. Its title: Numerical methods for the nonlinear output regulation problem. PhD obtained.
1.4.2005 – now: Researcher at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Department of Control Theory, Pod vodárenskou věží 4, Praha 8.
2000 – 2005: Researcher, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Control Engineering.
1998: mgr. (MSc) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, specialization Mathematical Modeling in Physics and Technology.
1998: ing. (MSc) from the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specialization Technical Cybernetics, start of the PhD studies of the specialization Control Theory and Robotics.
Research interests:
Nonlinear systems control, especially nonlinear output regulation, center manifold theory, nonlinear observer design.
Complex systems decomposition, decentralized control, large-scale and multi-agent systems control.
Time-delay systems.
Member of:
IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems – actively participates on the meetings of this IFAC TC,
The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (CSKI) – member of the Council of CSKI.
Associate Editor:
IFAC World Congress 2017 (2.3. Design Methods - Non-Linear Control Systems),
IFAC World Congress 2020 (2.3. Design Methods - Non-Linear Control Systems).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Kybernetika journal.
Associate Editor, Journal of the Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics.
Reviewer of journal papers (Automatica, IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, Journal of the Franklin Institute, IET Control Theory and Applications, etc.) and conference papers (IFAC World Congress, NOLCOS, IEEE CDC, etc.).
Current position:
Deputy head of the Control Theory department, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8, Czech Republic.
Selected publications:
1. Rehák Branislav, Lynnyk Volodymyr : Leader-following synchronization of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous delays , Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering vol.22, 1 (2021), p. 97-106.
2. Rehák Branislav, Lynnyk Volodymyr: Network-based control of nonlinear large-scale systems composed of identical subsystems, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics vol.356, 2 (2019), p. 1088-1112.
3. Rehák Branislav: Observer Design for a Time Delay System via the Razumikhin Approach, Asian Journal of Control vol.19, 6 (2017), p. 2226-2231.
4. Bakule Lubomír, Rehák Branislav, Papík Martin: Decentralized H-infinity control of complex systems with delayed feedback, Automatica vol.67, 1 (2016), p. 127-131.
5. Bakule Lubomír, Rehák Branislav, Papík Martin: Decentralized Networked Control of Building Structures, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering vol.31, 11 (2016), p. 871-886.
Branislav Rehák